Thursday, September 17, 2009

One Manifesto

"If I saw a man named Jesus feed a multitude of people with 2 loaves of bread and five fishes; if I saw a man named Jesus bring Lazurus back from the dead; if the Bible were indestructible; if I saw Jesus killed and then come back to life; if I saw Jesus ascend into heaven; ... if ANY miracles were to happen as a matter of fact, then I would see that there were evidence for God and would believe. The people who supposedly saw these miracles were given a chance that makes faith unfair for the rest of the people living over countless millennia." - from

Well that is the whole point isn't it - do you trust the people who wrote it down or not? Do you believe it possible they were telling the truth? I do. I have faith in people.

How ironic that the humanist viewpoint asserts that the bible authors were not telling the truth - so this apparently reveals that to be humanist you don't have faith in people.

Do you (the above author) think you deserve to have every wish granted for you in your life? Suppose just suppose your wish conflicts with mine? Any chance that could happen? God never said He is there to grant everybody a life of bliss. He created evolution after all, and look what a cruel system that can be.

So many atheists say that people would love each other more if we all forgot about the God idea. But is that true? I think not. I think we have inherited the idea of love from religion, in the West's case from Christ himself. I think given one or two generations of people in a totally atheistic society and the whole thing would collapse under people's innate selfishness. (Say, didn't that happen already in the Soviet Union and China? And even in those countries a lot of people kept their faith, they just couldn't admit publicly very much).

God's rules (both of them) are what helps keep us together. Atheists should not claim love, because love came to us from God.

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